AFL-CIO head Richard Trumka told Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) she had his full support after she discussed her new book "A Fighting Chance" Friday, saying "we are all with you."
Trumka said Warren had showed citizens there's still a fight in Washington, D.C. she helps lead, and the two reminisced about their first meeting. Speaking before a friendly crowd, Trumka said that he would tell her today what he told her back then, as she was trying to find a place to sit at the White House.
"Don't worry, Elizabeth," he said. "I have your back."
The crowd roared appreciatively at the comment.
The two acted like old friends throughout the exchange. Warren, a freshman senator, is widely viewed as an alternative to Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016.
"We want to thank you, not just for being here, but in a broader sense for giving a lot of people hope," Trumka said.