Red Capps

Anti-Israel California Dem Lois Capps faces tough reelection fight

August 8, 2012

Weakening Welfare

Obama campaign launches false attacks on Romney’s welfare record

August 8, 2012

Obama spox refuses to condemn Priorities USA ad

Priorities USA ad suggests Mitt Romney responsible for woman's death from cancer

Stop Snitchin’, Start Donatin’

Opponent of police cooperation raises money for Obama campaign

Hitting a Plouffe Patch

Senior White House aide took money from company that partnered with Assad regime

August 7, 2012

Fisking Fiske’s Record

Virginia Politifact editor has history of voting in Democratic primaries

August 7, 2012

Van Jones: 'Nancy Pelosi is the greatest person ever'

'Everything you don’t like about the Democrats...would be a thousand times worse if we didn’t have Nancy Pelosi'

Doggone it, People Like Me

Al Franken’s senate win tainted by voter fraud, claims new book

October Surprise

Israel said to be readying October attacks on Iranian nuclear sites

August 7, 2012