Missiles from Israel's Iron Dome air defense system in the south of Israel destroy incoming missiles fired at Israel from the Palestinian enclave of Gaza

Palestinian Bombings Spark Fear of New Middle East War

As hundreds of rockets hit Israel, U.S. fears derailment of peace process

November 14, 2018
Hillary Clinton makes a concession speech after being defeated by Republican president-elect Donald Trump / Getty Images

Democrats Not Ready for Hillary

Poll: Democrats' top issues are socialized medicine, repealing the 2nd Amendment

November 14, 2018
voting booth

L.A. County Officials Downplay Kim, Cisneros Vote-Counting 'Misconduct' Charges

Spokeswoman: 'We have not addressed anything related to ballot tampering'

November 13, 2018

Pentagon: U.S. Lacks 'Adequate' Defense Against Hypersonic Weapons

DOD will request more funding to develop lasers, other weapons

November 13, 2018