State’s Secret Baghdad BJ

A Foreign Service officer who served in Iraq has implied on his personal blog that a senior State Department official was fellated on the rooftop of the Baghdad embassy.

Buzzfeed reports:

Peter Van Buren, a foreign service officer who served in Iraq and who is currently engaged in a protracted legal battle with Foggy Bottom over the publication of his memoir, We Meant Well, made the claim on his personal blog today in the course of alleging American officials' debauchery in Iraq and Afghanistan, and publishing a series of embarrassing photographs of U.S. diplomats.

Van Buren posted a blog entitled: "Rule No. 1: It’s Poor Judgment to Talk about Fight Club."

Van Buren writes:

"Meanwhile, a State Department VIP apparently has had sex on an Embassy roof, captured on video, not that that matters."


Published under: State Department