Road to Bankruptcy

DOE-aided electric car company cleaning house, ‘absolutely empty’

Electric car company Fisker Automotive has fired an additional 12 workers from its flagship plant in Delaware, leading to concerns that the once-bustling car company will fail to live up to its promise to produce a new line of plug-in hybrids.

According to one of the fired workers who spoke with Autoblog, Fisker’s plant is "absolutely empty," devoid of the equipment and personnel necessary to produce its hybrid cars on schedule.

Autoblog explains:

As [former employee Jeff] Garland told Delaware Online, "I think what happened was the budget numbers are so tight right now and they're working so hard to preserve as much cash as they can that something had to give. We're not making a car in Wilmington right now, so given that situation it was an obvious place to make a cut."

Fisker spokesman Russell Datz said that the company has flexible plans and will hire people when "we ramp up the project again." Production of the Atlantic is being delayed, at least in part, because of issues with Fisker's Department of Energy loan. You can read more about that here.


Published under: Department of Energy