Palestinian Textbooks Full of Incitement

New Palestinian Authority textbooks reveal widespread delegitimization of Israel and calls for violence against Jews in Israel, according to a new survey conducted by the Near East Policy Research Center.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which uses the books in 350 schools in the Gaza Strip, Judea, and Samaria, says there is no incitement.

Israel Hayom reports:

In the books, the center found widepsread delegitimization and demonization of Israel, and a call for violent struggle instead of peace. According to the textbooks, the Jews have no rights to Israel, including to Jewish holy sites, and are not considered legitimate residents of the country. The name "Israel" appears less than a handful of times on the maps and is usually replaced with Palestine, and areas inside pre-1967 Israel are described exclusively as Palestinian.

The center sent a letter to UNRWA asking it to correct the deficiencies, including: correcting maps to show current borders and mark the land inside the pre-1967 borders as Israel; showing Jewish cities as well as Palestinian ones in maps; recognizing sites holy to Jews in discussions of holy sites; mentioning in demographic discussions the millions of Jews who live in Israel; removing sections that demonize Israel or Jews, and removing violent struggle as a solution.

Published under: Israel