Obamacare 'Fix' May Fund Abortion Coverage for Hill Staffers

Abortion coverage for Capitol Hill staffers and lawmakers may be covered by federal insurance due to a regulation proposed by the White House last week, according to Fox News.

The proposed regulation is meant to prevent Hill staffers from losing their current coverage once Obamacare is enacted. However, abortion opponents say that this move by the White House could override the current ban on abortion funding for federal employees. According to Fox News:

Last week, the White House Office of Personnel Management said the government would keep paying its share of premiums for lawmakers and affected staffers who must leave the federal employee health care system by Jan. 1. That eased a major anxiety for several thousand staffers accustomed to getting the same benefits as other federal employees.

But the proposed regulation did not explicitly address abortion coverage. Under the health care law, insurance plans in the new markets may cover abortion unless a state passes a law prohibiting them from doing so. Plans offering coverage for abortion, however, may not use federal funds to pay for it and must collect a separate premium from enrollees. Federal tax credits to help the uninsured afford coverage must also be kept apart. ...

"Under this scheme (the government) will be paying the administrative costs," said Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., author of abortion funding ban for federal employee plans. "It's a radical deviation and departure from current federal law, and it's not for all federal employees, but for a subset: Congress. Us."