NBC Chief Medical Editor Nancy Snyderman said Miley Cyrus' performance at the VMAs is indicative of American culture moving towards an "amoral cliff" Tuesday on "Morning Joe."
The performance was so disgusting, Snyderman said, "it makes me want to vomit":
NANCY SNYDERMAN: It's a very slippery slope to come on a program as edgy as this and sound like I'm such an old fuddy duddy.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: And she's not.
NANCY SNYDERMAN: For a gal who inhaled, believe me I've had a life. This desensitization and this amoral cliff that we are falling off, pains me terribly. The idea that on a train the other day in New York people got mad over a girl and pulled out a gun and shot each other. Our kids see stuff on TV in westerns where you knew they got up behind the screen. We have lost that sense of what's real and not. The Miley Cyrus thing to me has taken the Madonna and the Brittany Spears thing and has exploded it. I am so sick of it, that it makes me want to vomit.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: What's fascinating is --
NANCY SNYDERMAN: It makes me want to vomit.