MSNBC: ‘Dismal Political Year’ for White House

Gibbs: ‘It’s very tough to see how the Democrats retain the Senate’

December 11, 2013

Chuck Todd, Chief White House Correspondent, and Robert Gibbs, President Obama’s former Press Secretary, discussed the President’s recent ratings dip with Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC Wednesday afternoon.

Todd told Mitchell that Obamacare is "the singular driver" for why President Obama’s ratings have plummeted. The disastrous launch of Obamacare in October and numerous, failed attempts to fix the botched website have Americans fuming with the Obama administration.

Such dismal ratings come after a focus group conducted last week showed that Americans who previously voted for Obama are disappointed and frustrated with his lack of leadership and inaction.

Gibbs agreed with Todd, adding that it’s been a difficult political year for the White House and that the President’s record high disapproval ratings are because of Obamacare.

Published under: White House