Krauthammer examines Obama's security leaks statement

'Who else was in the room? The pizza delivery guy?'

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: What the president said on Friday when he said, the writers of the article themselves have all said it didn't come from the white house. How is that possible when one of the articles on Stuxnet has the author saying it came from three dozen current/former advisors, interviews with them. On the drone story, the author is quoting members of the president's national security team in reporting about a meeting, a secret situation room meeting. How could that not be coming from the white house? How can you possibly say that the writer is saying it didn't come from the white house? Obviously, it did. Who else was in the room? The pizza delivery guy? A plumber in the corner working on the sink? It had to be somebody from the president's entourage. So I think this is a real contradiction that has to be examined. On the appointment of the attorney inside the Justice Department, I think the republicans are letting the administration off really easy here because it allows the administration officials to answer all questions from today on.

Published under: Charles Krauthammer