Clinton: 'Interesting Commentary' on World When Rowhani's Recognition of Holocaust Qualifies Him as a Moderate

'It's an interesting commentary on the world in which we're living that admitting that the Holocaust occurred qualifies as being a moderate'

September 25, 2013

Former President Bill Clinton said it was an "interesting commentary" on the "world in which we live" when Iranian President Hassan Rowhani's acknowledgment of the Holocaust qualifies him as a moderate Wednesday on Piers Morgan.

Given Rowhani's alleged trend in moderation, Clinton added he thought President Obama had hoped the U.N. General Assembly would have proven to be a better opportunity for the two leaders to initiate a dialogue:

PIERS MORGAN: President Obama has to at the moment trust three people who, as they would say in Downton Abbey, you wouldn't necessarily trust with the family silver. President Assad, Vladimir Putin, and President Rouhani. Let's start with Iran because that's always a big talking point at the cgi. Christiane Amanpour yesterday interviewed him, and compared to the interview i did with Ahmadinejad last year, struck a much more conciliatory tone, which he admitted to the fact there was a holocaust which Ahmadinejad would never admit to. what did you make of that? how important is that concession? And is that a real shift there with the relationship with America? How much do you trust him?

CLINTON: First of all, it's an interesting commentary on the world in which we're living that admitting that the Holocaust occurred qualifies as being a moderate.

MORGAN: Right.

CLINTON: I mean, in other words, if you get into the fact-based world, there's something do it. At least we can have something to talk about. I was hoping, and I think the president was, that the opening of the U.N. would give them a chance to, you know, maybe even do more.