Cantor on Benghazi: It’s Time For The W.H. to Come Clean

'The American people deserve the truth'

Rep. Eric Cantor (R., Va.) on Thursday strongly supported a resolution to proceed with a Select Committee to find out what happened during the 2012 attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Cantor argued the Obama administration has "engaged in a pattern of obstruction" and "deliberately and deceptively misled Americans."

"The White House has engaged in a pattern of obstruction - consistently ignoring subpoenas, redacting relevant information and stonewalling investigators. This obstruction gives cause to the grave concerns expressed by countless Americans across the country. What’s worse, as the White House refuses to turn over documents, they go in front of the American people and claim to be transparent," Cantor said on the House floor.

"This committee will build upon the excellent oversight work conducted to this date and ask questions, and demand answers. Constitutional checks and balances were intended to ensure each branch of government conduct itself with the utmost integrity and do so within the law. That is our duty, and we will solemnly and judiciously carry it out," Cantor added.