ABC: Even State Dept's Computer Help Desk Was Confused by Clinton's Private Server

September 1, 2015

A newly released trove of Hillary Clinton's emails while secretary of state revealed even the State Department's tech experts were befuddled by her private server, ABC's Martha Raddatz reported Tuesday.

"It appears even employees of the State Department's computer help desk were confused by Clinton's use of the private server," Raddatz said on Good Morning America.

"What happened is judith send you an email. It bounced back. She called the email help desk at state (I guess assuming u had state email) and told them that. They had no idea it was YOU, just some random address so they emailed. Sorry about that," reads an email from Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

Other highlights from the new release include Clinton not knowing how to use her iPad and unable to look up the showtimes for the television shows Parks & Recreation and The Good Wife.

Published under: State Department