Another Busload of Migrants Reaches Los Angeles

Getty Images
July 14, 2023

Another busload of illegal immigrants arrived in Los Angeles this week, the latest to reach the self-proclaimed sanctuary state.

Thirty-five migrants reportedly arrived by bus Thursday afternoon from Texas, where Republican governor Greg Abbott continues to bus migrants to blue states to ease the strain on his state's resources.

"The City has continued to work with City Departments, the County, and a coalition of nonprofit organizations, in addition to our faith partners, to execute a plan set in place earlier this year," Democratic Los Angeles mayor Karen Bass said in a statement. "As we have before, when we became aware of the bus yesterday, we activated our plan."

It's the third bus to arrive from Texas in the last month. The first bus arrived on June 14.

"Texas just dropped off the 1st bus of migrants in Los Angeles," Abbott tweeted on June 14. "Small Texas border towns remain overrun & overwhelmed because Biden refuses to secure the border."

Abbott further pointed to the Democrat-led city's "self-declared sanctuary status" as justification for the move.

"LA is a city migrants seek to go to," Abbott said in June, "particularly now its leaders approved its self-declared sanctuary status."

California governor Gavin Newsom (D.) has advertised that his state welcomes migrants. "Let me be clear, @realDonaldTrump: California is a sanctuary state," he tweeted in 2018. "We believe in the power of diversity. We have defied and resisted the xenophobic, hateful policies of your administration at every turn. We will do it again."

Florida governor Ron DeSantis (R.) has also overseen the transport of migrants to California.

His administration sent flights of migrants in June from New Mexico to Sacramento. Newsom later threatened to charge DeSantis with kidnapping.

"@RonDeSantis you small, pathetic man," Newsom tweeted at the time. "This isn't Martha's Vineyard. Kidnapping charges?"