Democratic New York congresswoman Carolyn Maloney told reporters at a press conference on the hill today that President Obama told her that passing the national health care law in 2010 has been his proudest achievement as president—even when compared to killing Osama bin Laden.
According to John McCormack at the Weekly Standard:
"Last time I saw the president I asked he what he was most proud of," Democratic congresswoman Carolyn Maloney of New York said at a Capitol Hill press conference Tuesday afternoon. "I think he has quite a positive record. Osama bin Laden is no longer with us. ... Libya and Tunisia are transforming to democracy, which is important, I think, for their people and peace and stability--the credit card bill of rights, stabilizing our economy, cracking down on abusive practices in sub-prime lending.
"I didn't know what he was going to say," Maloney continued. "He said he is most proud of having passed health care and providing health care to 40 million Americans who didn't have health care in 2014."