New York Post Launches Countdown to End of De Blasio Era

August 6, 2015

The New York Post is literally counting down the seconds to the end of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's term as mayor.

"The quality of life in this city has plummeted since Mayor de Blasio took office," writes the Post. "Let's count down the minutes until his disastrous term ends."

According to the clock, which is placed in front of a background of a fat man passed out on a bench, de Blasio currently has 878 days, 22 hours, 53 minutes, and 5 seconds left in City Hall.

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The Post paints a sad picture of the current state of New York City.

"The city is swarming with panhandlers. Vagrants are peeing in the streets and taking over our parks. Crime is spiking," it says.

Readers are also being asked to share their own stories of how the city has deteriorated under de Blasio.

The paper has set up a new email address,, to receive emails from residents furious with the mayor. Submissions will be published in the Post's print edition.

Published under: Bill de Blasio