Dem Donor Ed Buck Arrested After Third Man Overdoses in Apartment

Court docs call Buck 'violent, dangerous sexual predator'

Ed Buck / Facebook
September 18, 2019

A major California Democratic donor has been arrested after a third man overdosed in his apartment, according to reports.

Ed Buck was taken into custody Tuesday after a 37-year-old man overdosed in his West Hollywood apartment. Buck is being charged with "three counts of battery causing serious injury, administering methamphetamine and maintaining a drug house," KTLA writes.

Buck's victim was taken to his apartment on Sept. 4 and injected "with a dangerously large dose of methamphetamine." The victim sought medical attention, fearing an overdose.

On Sept. 11, the victim returned to Buck's apartment and was again injected with two sizable doses of methamphetamine, causing an overdose. Buck attempted to stop the victim from seeking help. The man, however, fled Buck's apartment and called 911 from a gas station.

This is the third such incident involving Buck, who previously had two other individuals die in his apartment under similar circumstances.

Gemmel Moore, an African-American male escort, in early 2017 was found dead in Buck's apartment from a drug overdose. Earlier this year, Timothy Dean, a second African-American man, also died in Buck's apartment from a drug overdose.

Following the second death, a number of gay black men came forward and said that Buck has a "fetish for shooting drugs into youthful black men he picks up off the street or on hookup sites."

"I've become addicted to drugs and the worst one at that," Moore wrote in his journal in late 2016. "Ed Buck is the one to thank. He gave me my first injection of crystal meth."

The Los Angeles district attorney claimed there was "insufficient evidence" to bring charges against Buck following Moore's death. Activists have accused officials of previously not charging Buck due to his political contributions, which include donations to Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti and members of the West Hollywood city council.

Court documents filed Tuesday describe Buck as a "violent, dangerous sexual predator" who lures struggling men into his apartment and "manipulates them into participating in his sexual fetishes."

Buck has contributed vast sums to Democrats including Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D., Ariz.) and Rep. Ted Lieu (D., Calif.).

Sinema dumped the $33,800 in contributions that came from Buck to charities in 2018. Lieu's campaign announced that they would be donating the $18,500 they received from Buck to gay rights groups after the Washington Free Beacon inquired about the money earlier this year following the second death.