With Surrogates Like These ...

Obama campaign Hispanic outreach stars foul mouthed, anti-Bush comic George Lopez

The Obama campaign will launch their "Latinos for Obama" campaign Wednesday with a conference call with comedian George Lopez as well as a coordinated series of house parties, the Washington Examiner reports:

Tonight, the site encourages Hispanics to host an online party with Hispanic comedian George Lopez, who in 2007, controversially lashed out at ABC for cancelling his network comedy show.

"So a Chicano can't be on TV, but a caveman can?" Lopez said at the time, referring to the networks short-lived Caveman show, "And a Chicano with an audience already?"

"TV just became really, really white again," he added.

Lopez, whose TBS talk show was cancelled last August, has a history of controversial statements.

The comedian called President Bush a derogatory term for a male prostitute in a 2007 HBO standup special.

"FTP—do you know what that means? ‘Fuck that puto.’" Lopez said in the routine. "Fuck that puto. You want to see how it works? President Bush, fuck that puto. Fuck that puto...Gov. Schwarzenegger, fuck that puto."

In a July 2011 interview with Piers Morgan, Lopez said he would leave the United States if Sarah Palin were elected president. Lopez also speculated about the source of Palin's popularity.

"Is it just that we've become a culture of personality?" Lopez asked. "Do we elect somebody by their smile instead of by their content? You know, it's a little bit of all of that.’"

In the same interview, Lopez told Morgan he had not ruled out the idea of running for mayor of Los Angeles.

"This is a great city, and it's my city," Lopez said. "I believe that there are certain things that could be taken care of that you don't need a strong political background in."

Published under: Obama Campaign