UPS Grants Four-Year-Old Boy's Wish

December 4, 2014

Package delivery giant and brown truck conglomerate UPS made a 4-year-old boy's dream of being a delivery man come true.

As part of a holiday promotion called "Your Wishes Delivered," the company surprised one of its biggest fans with a special gift.

For the last two years, Carson Knight has loved seeing the big brown truck pull up to his house. In that time he's developed a special relationship with his UPS driver, Mr. Ernie.

It was Mr. Ernie that got to make a very special to the Knight family recently. Carson was ecstatic as he watched him pull a kid-sized UPS truck from its real-life counterpart. He was even more excited as he delivered small gifts to the neighborhood, bedecked in brown and driving his own little brown truck.

As a part of the Your Wishes Delivered campaign, UPS will donate $1 to charity for every wish submitted to

Published under: Colorado