Parents Offended by 'Indecent' Star Wars Toy

Princess Leia's feminist triumph shielded from childrens' eyes

July 15, 2015

A father became outraged when he came across a Princess Leia action figure in a Target and found it to be "pretty inappropriate" for his two daughters to see, according to a local report by Fox 29 in Philadelphia.

The toy features the hero princess clad in the outfit she was forced to wear when held as a slave by Jabba the Hut in the beginning scenes of Return of the Jedi. The ordeal ends with Princess Leia on top—strangling Jabba the Hut with the very chain he used to restrain her.

The Philadelphia father wants that feminine triumph shielded from his daughters' eyes.

"That’s pretty inappropriate," Fred Hill said. "I got two daughters I don't need seeing that crap. They're like ‘dad why does this doll have a chain around its neck?’ I don't have any answers. I was just blown away looking at it,"

Target told Fox 29 that it had not heard any other complaints about the toy, which is sold by multiple different stores across the country. Upsettingly, however, there were other parents that sided with Hill.

"It’s a little indecent. A little more clothing would have helped," said Eugenia Mirica.

Tiffany Mahan said the toy was "too much" for her children, and said she wouldn't buy it for either her 4-year-old or her 8-year-old.

Star Wars received a rating of PG.

Published under: Star Wars