Obama Considering Wintour as Next Ambassador to U.K. or France

December 4, 2012

President Barack Obama is considering nominating Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour, a major fundraiser for his successful re-election bid, to be the next U.S. ambassador to either the United Kingdom or France, according to two anonymous sources in a Bloomberg report.

Wintour, born in the U.K. before becoming a U.S. citizen, co-hosted a $40,000-a-plate Obama fundraiser in June at actress Sarah Jessica Parker’s New York City home, and in August hosted a $35,800-per-person event at movie executive Harvey Weinstein’s house in Connecticut. According to the New York Times, she has bundled more than $5.4 million for Obama’s presidential campaigns and the Democratic National Committee since 2007. Nevertheless, Wintour has taken time to decry big money in politics.

Vogue spokesman Megan Salt said Wintour, 63, is not interested in being an envoy, calling her very happy with her work at the elite fashion magazine.

The Guardian speculated earlier this year that Wintour may have been positioning herself for an ambassadorship in Obama's second term.

Bloomberg also reported Matthew Barzun, the finance chairman of Obama’s presidential campaign, is interested in the U.K. job, while major Obama fundraiser Marc Lasry wants the position in France.

Current U.S. Ambassador to the U.K. Louis Susman was a Chicago-based investment banker and bundler for Obama’s first campaign in 2008 before being appointed to the position, and is not expected to remain for another term.