MSNBC and Al Jazeera America were the least searched major news outlets online in 2013, Mediaite reports.
CNN and Fox News led the pack, while the leftist enterprises Huffington Post, MSNBC, and Al Jazeera America rounded out the bottom three:
CNN may be the lowest-rated of the big three cable news networks, but in 2013 is was the #1 trending news source on Google. The search engine released its annual trends lists this week, revealing that CNN topped Fox and MSNBC (listed as MSN News below):
Google Trends - Trending News Sources, 2013, United States
2.Fox News
4.Google News
6.Yahoo! News
8.Huffington Post
9.MSN News
10.Al Jazeera America
MSNBC and Al Jazeera America's lurid online stats go hand-in-hand with both networks' woeful ratings.