CNN "New Day" host Chris Cuomo chastised NBC's "Saturday Night Live" for mocking White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders's appearance and weight.
"SNL" actress Aidy Bryant's Sanders opened the skit's a White House press conference by saying, "My father is Mike Huckabee, my mother is a big Southern hamburger."
Sanders is then bumped from the podium by Mellisa McCarthy's erratic Sean Spicer. But later, she walks into frame eating an apple.
"You know those 'SNL' writers are just enjoying themselves," CNN’s Alisyn Camerota said Monday.
"Maybe too much," Cuomo said, before addressing the camera. "I will say this; you guys were mean about Huckabee Sanders."
"You were fat shaming her, you were talking about how she looks and what she wears. I thought it was mean, not funny," he continued.
"Were they?" asked Camerota. "I thought they were making fun of her clothes."
"They were making fun of her, they had her eating— I thought it was in poor taste," Cuomo said.