Col. George "Bud" Day, among the nation’s most decorated war veterans, died last weekend at the age of 88. The Washington Free Beacon has compiled a list of five facts you need to know about one of America’s greatest heroes.
1. Day fought in three wars

Day dropped out of high school at age 17 to join the U.S. Marine Corps in 1942. As a Marine, Day spent three years fighting in the Pacific Theater in WWII. After returning home and finishing school, he served in the Iowa Air National Guard during the Korean War. Day then decided to join the Air Force and served in Vietnam.
2. Day’s plane was shot down in August 1967

Day flew a mission to take out a surface-to-air missile site in North Vietnam on Aug. 26, 1967. His plane was hit by antiaircraft fire and he was forced to eject. He was immediately captured.
3. Day was a POW with Sen. John McCain and Vice Adm. James Stockdale

Day served his time in captivity alongside Sen. John McCain (R., Ariz.) and Vice Adm. James Stockdale at the infamous Hanoi Hilton. McCain has said, "Bud Day is one of the greatest men I have ever had the honor to know."
4. Day successfully broke out of prison

He escaped from prison and worked his way through the jungle toward South Vietnam. Day made it across the Ben Hai River and into the demilitarized zone despite severe injuries and no food except berries and frogs. He became delirious and wandered aimlessly trying to signal American aircraft. The Viet Cong eventually caught up to him, shot him in the hand and thigh, and recaptured him.
5. Day is one of the most decorated American servicemen of all time

In addition to receiving the Medal of Honor, Day has nearly 70 medals, more than 50 of which were for combat. He also received the Air Force Cross, the highest combat medal given to airmen.