As you prepare to hear Christmas music blaring everywhere you go for the next month, there is a new version of the one holiday song you might hear that caters to the chosen people.
Adam Sandler busted out the fourth version of his beloved Hanukkah Song, which was originally made two decades ago for all the chosen kids out there that felt left out because they were Jewish and didn't have a Christmas tree.
Although Sandler's ability to make a good movie has been gone for years (there have now been two Grown Ups), he hasn't lost his touch when it comes to busting out a hilarious Hanukkah Song.
Of the notable new Jews listed in Sandler's song are Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the guys who founded Google, Drake, Scarlett Johansson, Ron Jeremy, Drake, Harry Potter, and David Beckham ("a quarter chosen").
Unfortunately, Jared Fogle is also a Jew.