Kate Upton is the modeling industries' savior, showing the world that strong is the new skinny.
We learn today that Kate works with ModelFIT trainer Justin Gelband, the "Model Whisperer" who provides investment strategies for sweat equity. Going out on a limb here, but Gelband may be the luckiest man on the face of the Earth.

Here's Gelband on when he began working with Kate:
'Since the first day I met her, she wanted to come in and change the industry by saying curves are sexy.
'She's such a great role model for all the young girls out there.'
Gelband has honed his craft, training models with his unique cocktail of zumba, martial arts, capoeira, pilaties, and yoga. Watch the hand, Gelband!

The only workout he doesn’t subscribe is lunges, for obvious reasons.

Some of Gelband's tenets:
Try to stay away from heavy exercises — lunges, jumps, heavy weights (anything over 5 pounds), kettle balls — as they add unwanted bulk.
Cut out the hour plus cardio sessions and focus on 30 minutes of intervals every day. For example, if you are working out on a treadmill, where jogging is at 6.0 and running is 7.5, do a minute at 6.0, a minute at 6.1, a minute at 6.2, up till 7.5 then reverse back down. Whatever you do, do not sprint.
"I don’t use any weights over five pounds. I don’t use kettle bells. I don’t use any crazy leg weights. I don’t do jumps or have them run up and down stairs."