Why People Love Trump (And Everything Is Terrible)

August 11, 2015

Everything is terrible. If America gets what it deserves, we'll have to suffer through a Bush vs. Clinton election that no one wants, and hundreds of pathetic slap fights on Twitter. For example:



Political dynasties slugging it out in memes. Who really wants to go through another 15 months of this childish bullshit?  That Twitter exchange, by the way, was financed by campaign warchests totaling upwards of $200 million and counting. People love Donald Trump for a reason. While Jeb and Hillary are flinging zingers back and forth, the Donald is launching 140-character cruise missiles at his opponents:

It is childish? Yes. But these are things that politicians, who are typically terrible people and take themselves too seriously, would never say. It's something that your average internet troll might write in the comments section. The tone is far more reflective of contemporary culture, which has increasingly become one massive online comments section.

Because everything is terrible.