I've been a bit hard on VOX DOT COM, highlighting the myriad ways in which they screw up literally every story they publish and suggesting that their business model is based on "stupidity clicks." But this is really unfair, you know. After all—
What's that?
Oh man. Never mind. You guys gotta check this out:
Dylan Matthews, a philosophically-minded editor at Vox.com, solicited Professor Tannsjo to write a piece for Vox on the "repugnant conclusion." ...
After inquiring about its status after a period of silence, Prof. Tannsjo received the following from Mr. Matthews:
Afraid I have to be the bearer of bad news, Torbjörn. I ran the piece by some other editors and they weren't comfortable running it; I think the concern is that people will misinterpret it as implying opposition to abortion rights and birth control, which, while I know it's not your intent, is a real concern.
I'm sorry to waste your time; I really am a big fan of your work and appreciate your willingness to work with me.
The opening lines of the essay filled with Bad Thoughts submitted by Prof. Tannsjo?
You should have kids. Not because it’s fun, or rewarding, or in your evolutionary self-interest. You should have kids because it’s your moral duty to do so.
I can practically see the dopey dumb dumbs blinkered by ideology reading that essay at the VOX DOT COM offices and thinking to themselves, "WHOA, HOLD UP. MY BODY MY CHOICE, DICKBAG." As we all know, opposition to abortion rights will not be tolerated, even if, you know, no one is actually writing in opposition to abortion rights.
Anyway. On a day of truly horrible news, I just wanted to share something with you that brought a giant grin to my face. Keep up the good work, VOX!