Lauralee McIntyre has made ESPN two-for-two in making stars out of college athletes’ girlfriends during NCAA national championship broadcasts.
McIntyre, who dates Bruins outfielder Eric Filia, was made an instant Internet celebrity thanks to the same ESPN policy that made famous Alabama’s Katherine Webb.
In the case of McIntyre, the Worldwide Leader pointed out the Bruin to the viewing audience.

Larry Brown Sports scored an interview with the newly minted UCLA grad and discussed the bountiful job opportunities that await her:
After being informed about some of the opportunities Webb has had since the national championship game, like posing in the SI Swimsuit Edition and co-starring in the ABC reality show "Splash," McIntyre told Larry Brown Sports that some similar opportunities have been presented to her.
McIntyre says she has several meetings this week, but she did not want to mention any specific opportunities to avoid jinxing them. The jobs are "primarily modeling opportunities, guest appearances and co-hosting opportunities," she says.
McIntyre just recently began entertaining side projects, as she’s been concentrating on her double major of political science and anthropology, as well as preparing for law school. Education is important to her. As is, apparently, eugenics:
"I’m very picky. I’m an anthropology major, so when I ‘pick out my mate,’ I really look at genetic quality," she theorized. "I’m not saying Eric and I are going to have kids, and if we are, it’s decades down the road, but I’ve always been attracted to genetics. I think, ‘Could I make good-looking kids with this person?’ I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it’s true. Eric has everything that I want. Genetics — he’s very good looking in my eyes. Everything about him [I like].
And America likes you, Lauralee McIntyre.

Yesterday, Harry Reid took a shot at UCLA’s crosstown rival, USC, for a poor 2012 football season. If the Trojans made good on their preseason #1 ranking, perhaps America would have been introduced to SC quarterback Matt Barkley's eventual wife, Brittany Langdon, instead of McIntyre.
But don't worry. I'm here. America, meet Brittany Langdon.

You’re welcome.