Esquire bills itself as a "guide for men who want to live a fuller, richer, more informed and rewarding life." And for men who aren't that original.
Out of the 3-billion-odd women on this planet, the mag has dipped twice into the same well, renaming Scarlett Johannson as its repeat champion of sexy time.
What's confusing is that their "Sexiest Woman Alive" feature is running concurrently with their hottest "Woman of the Year" bracket. I guess it's comforting that we can count on Esquire to know the difference between "sexy" and "hot."
Don't get it twisted: I'm a fan of what Scar Jo brings to the field. She's got great speed and great hands.
But is this really all we can expect from the patriarchy?

Going for the same girl twice?

There are billions of beautiful, interesting women on the planet. And Esquire comes up with Scar Jo. Again.