America’s newsman Ron Burgundy has embarked on a highly publicized media tour during the run-up to his return to the silver screen. At a stop at KXMB, Mr. Burgundy made all of the wolverines in North Dakota purr by tossing the broadcast to WDAF’s Kay Cooley, who reported on holiday travel.
While the bright national lights are focused on Burgundy, this here blog has its local reporter spotlight on the former Northwestern Wildcat. You can see why after she puts away the Santa costume.
Fracking has brought more than just industrial jobs to the North Dakota. It's also given Kay plenty to do.

As a former swimmer, Kay stays active outdoors. That's her brother.

It's not as if Kay only reports in character. When serious news comes calling, Kay is the gal for the job. She covered a Mitt Romney rally during the spring primary.

Kay stumbled upon a Burgundy big head at a heated University of North Dakota/North Dakota State University basketball game in 2012. Who would have thought nearly two years later the actual Ron Burgundy would come calling?

Better question: Who thought two years ago that Will Ferrell would dare try to follow up Anchorman?