I Told You People Aaron Sorkin Was to Blame for Donald Trump

And the Golden Globe for inspiring a monster goes to ... Aaron Sorkin! (AP)
March 29, 2016

Me, last year:

Instead of looking to Mike Judge as the explanation for The Donald’s appeal, maybe we should look to Aaron Sorkin. He’s spent a career insisting that straight-shooting, real-talking, non-bush-beating pols are what get the people all hot and bothered. Who can forget the rousing finale of "The American President" when the triangulator stops triangulating and spits hot truths about gun control and crime bills and the environment. Let’s not forget "Bulworth’s" bravado or "The West Wing’s" response to the wickedness of the Bush presidency and the squishiness of the Clinton years.

In this fantasyland, Sorkinesque Real Talk inspires not snickering but action, not plummeting polls but massive new support. The courage of a pol’s convictions will carry him far.

If only The Donald actually had some convictions, who knows how far he could go.

The disillusioned former comms director of a Trump-backing Super PAC, yesterday:

Trump is about Trump. Not one of his many wives. Not one of his many "pieces of ass." He is, at heart, a self-preservationist.

In fact, many people are not aware of the Trump campaign's internal slogan, but I will tell you. It is stolen from a make-believe television presidency on The West Wing where Martin Sheen portrayed President Bartlet. The slogan on the show amongst the idealistic group of Bartlet's staff was "Let Bartlet Be Bartlet."

Inside the Trump camp, the slogan became "Let Trump Be Trump."

I tried to warn you people, but nooooo, nobody listened to me. No one ever listens to Sonny.

The only solution, of course, is to fire Aaron Sorkin and all his works* into the sun so he can never ruin America again. You ignored me once and we see what happened. You ignore me again at your own—and America's—peril.

*Except for The Social Network, we can hold on to that one for now.