It has not been a good month for Dolphins quarterback Ryan Tannehill. Not only did his team choke away a playoff spot, he woke up to find out that his wife has better weapons at her disposal than he does.
Lauren Tannehill left a AR-15 in the back of a rental car yesterday, which raises the question: What was she carrying that made the piece in the backseat slip her mind?
Hopefully, Lauren can teach her husband a thing or two about accuracy. He had the 26th best quarterback ranking in the NFL last year. The quarterbacks ahead of him included an undrafted rookie free agent and starters who were injured at mid-season.

The secret to Lauren's sure-shot: the driving range.

To Lauren's credit, she doesn't show up her husband when he's at work.

Or in the weight room for that matter.

Hey, don't hold Lauren's brain fart against her. Most of the time she's a responsible gun owner.

Don't cry to hard for the Tannehills. Aside from his wife's misplaced semi-automatic rifle and a 36-30 touchdowns-to-interceptions ratio, Ryan is one the luckiest guys out there. He went from a converted wide receiver in college to a first round draft pick in the NFL. No doubt Lauren had a lot to with it.

Next time after shooting lessons, she could help her hubby with his farmer's tan.

I just hope whatever errands Lauren was running in that rental car, her day was half as good as Ice Cube's.