Since I live in Washington and work for a conservative publication, I guess I'm a little jaded. The enthusiasm that inspires thousands of conservative activists and students to flood National Harbor for CPAC is lost on me.
For thousands of true believers, though, the event is mecca. Being a college student and Republican on a big college campus is a one-way ticket to social leprosy. Trust me, I know. But at CPAC we're free to let our freak flag fly.
Coincidentally, CPAC falls during spring break this year. And instead of Alien, CRs have Ronny. And just like Selena Gomez, University of Toledo student Kelli Market never wants spring break to end.

Kelli has provided a stellar commentary of the CPAC festivities.
Drinking a mimosa and watching this hottie @PRyan in DC. Best day of my life.
— kelli (@whatdaKEL) March 6, 2014
Kelli's love for America is year-round.

Like I said, a 365-day occasion.

CRs like Kelli never leave home without their fake IDs, their dorm room keys, and their NRA membership cards.

You never know when you can go target shooting with your pump action.

While CPAC 2014 made no room for a pro life panel, Kelli can attend her local Right to Life chapter's events. State level reform at work!

And she has the ear of her state's junior senator.

She even hails from the Buckeye State, which claims three cities which are possible 2016 convention sites.

If the gal is willing to travel to DC for CPAC, you can bet she'll attend a convention is in her backyard. Hopefully by 2016, she'll be full time working model by then.

One possible reason that the 2016 RNC might make it to Ohio: the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is in Cleveland.

After her trip to CPAC, Kelli can return to Ohio and share the conservative principles she's picked up.

It's just how CPAC is supposed to work.