I respect Sports Illustrated's reasonable business decision to slap a troika of swimsmokes on its cover to triple the promotion potential of its 50th Swimsuit Issue. Three is better than one and six is better than two. But it was to my dismay (and to my boss's) that the mag appeared to be operating under the assumption that Kate Upton is yesterday's news.
Fortunately, today's Swimsuit magazine shows this is not the case. SI gives the people what they want, and has granted Kate the first ever back cover to its flagship franchise and the only reason readers put up with Peter King.
In fact, the 2014 issue's back cover was the first of two barriers Kate broke for the magazine this year. She follows up her performance last year as the first swimsmoke Caroline Mikkelsen by becoming the first swimsmoke Sally Ride.
Kate’s getting nicked and cut more than HRC ever has. She's busted through numerous glass ceilings and there's nary a scratch on her.
Obama may have ended the space shuttle program, but thankfully we have private enterprises like SI to carry on the tradition of American ingenuity and buck-nekkid women sent into space for the good of science.
For the good of humanity.

And like Chuck Yeager before her, Kate Upton has The Right Stuff.
Kate Upton: Galactic Empress.