As I approach two years of life in my townhouse in Southeast Washington, I am reminded of the importance of planning ahead. As you and I know, while the party may never stop, it sure does get boring going to the same old bar every night. I don’t want to make any hasty decisions on where I’m looking to post up at next, but the perfect spot has just come available on the market.
While I may not agree with Senator Claire McCaskill’s views on socialized medicine or the St. Louis Cardinals, we do agree on how to rage. WaPo flagged McCaskill's foray into the worst part of home ownership:
The Missouri Democrat’s two-bedroom condo unit at 400 Massachusetts Ave., NW just went on the market for $749,750, and judging from the property listing, it’s a pretty sweet place. She and her husband, Joseph Shepard, bought the place in 2007 for $699,000. In the photos, it’s showhouse-perfect, done in tasteful modern monochromes, with few personal touches (hey, nice wine bar!).
McCaskill told local real estate blog DC Urban Turf last month that her condo is something of a party pad: "Our living space is bright and open, and feels intimate for a few but has the capacity to seat many for parties," she says.
With over 1,400 square footage at her disposal, 'Rascal' McCaskill knows how to get "turnt up."
All the way up.

And I intend to carry on the rascal's proud tradition of using that condo's "capacity to seat many parties" to the fullest. WFB Editor's Blog fav Rocket Bar is but a two-minute walk from the building. Can you say, "After the party is the after-party"?
We'll rage so hard, time will literally slow down and gravity as we know it will be suspended.
At these parties, we'll have batting practice with Bud Light-filled piñatas in honor of the condo's previous owner. No Coors Light allowed at my parties. This ain't Michael Bennet's ex-pad.
No lie: these parties at Rascal's are going to get weird.
I am already working on my guest list in honor of Rascal for when I close the sale. I need to have my girl Shelby Herring on hand to dispense some life lessons amidst the lifeless Obama economy.
The Uptons have an open invite. The congressman for standing up to Rascal McCaskill's fellow partisans in the House, and Kate for my flip-cup team.
Paris Hilton can come over too. Like Rascal, no one really knows how Paris got famous either.
So cheers to you, Senator! I'll take great care of your home!