Put yourself in disgraced traitor Edward Snowden’s shoes. Icky, I know, but you’ve been toiling away as costumer service rep for the Kremlin since the summer. Russia is pleasant and all in the fairer months, but it's December and there’s a reason why the Soviet municipal water system might as well switch over to vodka in the winter.
Snowden begged for permanent asylum from Brazil today in exchange for his stolen NSA treasure trove. He says he wants to help the Brazilians combat U.S. spying. Yeah, right. Maybe by "combat U.S. spying" he means the three C's: drink a lot of Caipirinhas, learn Capoeira, and hang out on the Copacabana.
Maybe Snowden wants to help the Brazilians judge who has the country's finest badonkadonk in the "Miss Bum Bum Brazil" pageant:
Dai Macedo from Goias won the honors with her size 42 inch hips.

Macedo earned her donk by abstaining from the club.

She beat 14 other exceptional behinds. The Russian counterpart to "Miss Bum Bum Brazil" is "Miss Farm Hand Russia." Compare and contrast.

Maybe Megyn Kelly is wrong and Santa is Brazilian?

It takes discipline to have the finest booty in the global south.

What's ironic is that, as Snowden is lobbying to move to Brazil, Macedo is off repping for the red, white, and blue. She knows a winning team when she sees one.