George Miller: Hero

Tom Hardy is the best and should be in all the movies
May 7, 2015

I'm not going to lie: I'm extremely excited for Mad Max: Fury Road. I'm excited, in part, because it stars Tom Hardy, and I'm on record as claiming that Tom Hardy should be in every film. I'm excited, in further part, because of this:

But I'm also excited because it is directed by George Miller, the man who brought the original movies to the screen. So it's likely that this is no rushed hack-job studio-mandated cash-grab horsecrap reboot.

To make matters even better, Miller's team feels comfortable asking that film students be shown his film in 2D:

This might be the least controversial thing I've ever said about movies: 3D is a garbage format and studios should be ashamed of themselves for foisting it on the masses. Yes, fine, sometimes it adds something to the picture. But generally speaking it's hot garb and the only reason people pay extra money to sit with uncomfortable, filthy glasses on their face during a movie is because they have to. When I am king, 3D will be banned and James Cameron and Jeffrey Katzenberg will be forced to go door-to-door to apologize to the masses for convincing studios to chase 3D surcharges.

George Miller is a hero. Repay him by going to see his movie next Friday in 2D. Overthrow the oppressors who strap dark glasses onto your face in order for you to see their dumb movie.