Liberal outrage-manufacturing blog Wonkette staffs itself with the finest leftover scraps, staffing its site with liberal arts majors caught without a job and pitting them against C-grade comedians, all with the sole purpose of who can be the rudest toward Republicans. I dig it.
This post is a few days old, but it’s worth mentioning because with all of that intellectual capital, you would think someone would know the difference between Kansas City, Missouri, and Kansas City, Kansas.
Kansas City, Missouri, is a finalist for the 2016 Republican National Convention, which was enough for Wonkette to crack cannibalism jokes:
There's just something about Wonkette's poor evaluation that's feels off. To wit:

Not only is Sam Brownback the governor of neighboring Kansas, Jay Nixon is a Democrat, which is something Wonkette endorses or something.

I too was a bit harsh on my initial take on the "Paris of the Plains." But upon further review, Kansas City, Missouri, is a strong candidate for the 2016 RNC.
Pros: Jazz clubs and barbecue, barbecue, barbecue. Could the host city’s bragging about its barbecue greatness lead to a massive brawl on the convention floor between the delegations from Texas, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, and Missouri and Kansas, resulting in multiple hospitalizations, arrests, and Sam Brownback being carved up for steaks like a character in "Hannibal" while Reince Priebus stands at the podium ineffectually waving his arms and calling for calm, followed by several days of every wingnut blogger, radio host, and Fox News anchor falling all over themselves trying to blame the whole mess on Obama? We can only hope.
Well in KC, there's smoked BBQ...

...and there are smokes who eat BBQ. Good things all around.

Cons: What are the non-jazz-lovers supposed to do in Kansas City for three days, go to Royals games? We could say the city’s prostitutes and brothels will be busy exceptionally busy, but that’s true of all of these cities.
What to do in Kansas City, Missouri, for three days?
You can visit the Truman Library.

You can visit the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum.

Let's not forget the delicious Boulevard Brewing Company, which calls Kansas City, Missouri, home. Certainly Wonkette readers cannot condone Obama's war on good beer.

Wonkette’s odds the RNC chooses Kansas City: 50 to 1, because by 2016 Brownback’s policies will have turned the entire state into an apocalyptic deathscape that even the GOP will be smart enough to recognize it does not want to show off to the world.
If only someone had taught Wonkette how to Google.