Five Media Types on Twitter Obsessed with Race

So pasty. (AP)
May 13, 2013

NBC announced yesterday that Saturday Night Live's Seth Meyers will take over for Jimmy Fallon when Jimmy Fallon takes over for Jay Leno, assuming Jay Leno allows Jimmy Fallon to take over. (We all remember what happened the last time Leno promised to give up the Tonight Show hosting gig.)

I don't have any real opinion on Meyers taking over the Late Night show. (Seriously, who watches late night TV any more?) I was, however, amused by the number of people who are royally ticked that Meyers is the wrong skin color/gender/sexual orientation for the job. So, in my best Buzzfeed imitation, allow me to present Five Media Types on Twitter Obsessed with Race:

(Note: "Obsessed" might be a bit strong. Then again, if your first, gut response to Seth Meyers is "ZOMG WHITE GUY?!" then, well, you know. Personally, I'm more annoyed that another (nominal) Red Sox fan is getting the gig. Those people are the worst.)

Published under: Media