Donald Trump Cannot Be Trolled

September 3, 2015

Donald Trump may be invincible after all. Conventional attacks from his Republican opponents aren't working, obviously, because he continues to lead the field by a significant margin. I suggested trolling Trump's ego by undermining his self-image as a smart, sexy, successful, and fabulously wealthy American icon.

Even that might fail.

When the Daily Caller's Jamie Weinstein asked, for example, if American might be better off with a president who was even richer than Trump, such as Facebook found Mark Zuckerberg (net worth: $35 billion), Trump had a perfect answer:

"That’s different," Trump replied. "Honestly, I don’t think I’d swap assets, to be honest with you. I’ve seen that stuff go up and down. I have very, very solid stuff. To me, I love real estate because you can feel it. A lot of people, they’ll make five hundred million dollars by doing some new computer game, but I don’t consider that — I consider that sort of different. I consider that paper."

"I did it in real estate," he explained, "and as real estate goes, this is about as high as you go."

An expert counter-trolling maneuver: Derisively compare Facebook to "some new computer game," and imply that nerds like Zuckerberg are a bunch of losers with worthless, imaginary assets.

Maybe Trump would crack if someone mentioned the Washington Post story about how he cheats at golf? (Like Hillary Clinton and Tom Brady, the Donald does not believe the normal rules should apply to rich people.) Someone asked about it at his press conference on Thursday, but Trump didn't even bat an eye:

Donald Trump is going to be our next president.