From what I can ascertain from my ten second search on their website before getting distracted by the photos, Love Magazine is apparently a fairly new fashion periodical in the U.K. that deals in avant-garde fashion. Hookay.
They did snag some clicks from my browser by slapping Kendall Jenner onto their latest cover.

Hey, what a minute! As Inquisitr pointed out, that looks mightily familiar!

Does Love honestly believe Kendall Jenner topless in a eskimo hood a representation of an "american girl" or are they merely dabbling in the Kate Upton business? It's a tough call.
Looks like we need to go to the tape in another round of "Did Kate Upton Wear It Better?"
For her shoot, Kendall rocked a two-piece.

Mortal braziers can only hope to reel in Kate's heavy spending.

Kendall Jenner wearing a blouse made out of house keys. I told you this magazine is weird.

There's nothing experimental about this GIF. That's unfiltered 'Murican right there.

Since this magazine is European, obviously they took advantage of the U.K.'s liberal standards of t-shirt sizes.

When you pit Kendall against Kate, it's like throwing Notre Dame against Alabama in college football. There's not even a discussion.
So I ask again gentle readers, "Did Kate Upton wear it better?"

Yes, Kate Upton did wear it better.