Everyone seems to be talking about a new study that shows women are the sole or primary source of family income in a record 40 percent of households. But gender dynamics are evolving in this country in more areas than income. I can’t wait until Alex Wagner reports on the latest findings that on average college women get hammered more times a week than college men.
I've long suspected women are thirstier than men, but it’s comforting to know my conjectures are based on cold, hard, empirical data. This here Blog is a pro-science publication.

Massachusetts General Hospital’s Center for Addiction Medicine found college freshmen girls are about 50 percent more likely to exceed the daily limit of alcohol consumption than men. As the school year progressed, men were more likely to reduce their weekday boozing while women continued to play "tap the bag."
Science has therefore smashed the stereotype that college bros are the more alcohol-soaked constituents of the student body.
Not so long ago, when I had boots on the ground of a college campus, the sight of high-heels and bottles filled with vod-Gatorades was a nightly occurrence. In fact, it was the ladies who were thrifty by drinking their dinners.
A 2011 report revealed that one in six college women are drunkorexic for the same reason I am: to stay slim, get faded faster, and save lunch money for happy hour.
I venture to say the studies won't find dissimilar behavior anytime soon.