In yet another departure from Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently announced he doesn't see the point of #SELFIES. Bibi channeled the greatest Jewish comedy ever made in America as he ranted, "What's the deal with these #SELFIEs?"
"I don’t understand this new world," Netanyahu complains.
"When do they have time to live? They’re taking pictures all the time."
The prime minister then raises his hands, clicking on an imaginary camera.
"Only taking pictures, that’s all they do. Pictures, pictures, pictures."
I understand your exasperation, Mr. Prime Minster. I thought people who text and drive in America were awful enough. I can't imagine sharing a road with Israeli drivers who #SELFIE and drive. Let's hope this lady is having the greatest hair day ever seen and that her car is parked.

Whether you "get it" or not, #SELFIEs are rapidly becoming a part of Israeli culture. This brave IDF soldier's fights for her right to #SELFIE.

In fact, Israeli student's reading scores have been improving, in spite of the pre-class #SELFIE.

#SELFIEs are a great way to show the world the beauty of your country. I would have never googled Gamela and found out that it's an ancient Jewish city founded during the Syrian Wars if it was not for this #SELFIE's caption.

Israeli role models have embraced the #SELFIE. This year's Miss Israel Mor Maman's preferred method of photography is the #SELFIE because there's no fussy photographer telling her what to do.

#SELFIEs are as classy as they are cheeky. In fact, the #SELFIE is the most self-reliant photography style out there.

Isn't that a virtue to encourage, Mr. Prime Minister?