Free Beacon Washington Free Beacon Editors

Who's Afraid of Elise Stefanik?

Media attempt to hang 'great replacement' theory around the neck of GOP conference chairwoman

Leaker, Liar, Turncoat, Nut Job

Steve Schmidt's abasement makes public what we've known for a long time

Read the Letter the Harvard Crimson Won't Publish

A former Crimson president wanted to blast the paper's decision to endorse BDS. Crimson president Raquel Coronell Uribe won't publish his letter.

The Nurse Ratched of Disinformation

Nina Jankowicz says she’s “committed to protecting free speech.” LOL.

Bored White House Reporters Cry in Their Cheerios

The press corps prepares to celebrate itself for bangup reporting—on the last administration 

Fact-Checkers to Voters: Don’t Believe Your Lyin’ Eyes

An army of idiots tries to undercut video footage damaging to the president

The Media Set Out To Incite the Next Subway Shooter

Alleged 'execution-style' killing was nothing of the sort

On Iran, Biden Should Take 'No' for an Answer

Why is the administration negotiating in Vienna as Iran attacks American servicemen?