Free Beacon Paul Crookston

Paul Crookston is the war room director at the Washington Free Beacon. He was previously a Collegiate Network fellow at National Review. A 2016 graduate of Gordon College in Wenham, Mass., he served as the managing editor of the Tartan campus newspaper. He is originally from Tampa, Fla., but he still roots for Dad’s Ohio teams. His Twitter handle is @P_Crookston. He can be reached at

Conservative Professor Wins Academic Freedom Case in Wisconsin Supreme Court

John McAdams will return to teaching after being suspended for blog post

July 9, 2018
Keith Ellison

Ellison on Running for Minnesota AG: ‘Not Looking to Climb Some Career Ladder’

The progressive congressman says he'd rather litigate the Trump administration than work in Congress

July 8, 2018

Durbin Dismisses Hypocrisy on SCOTUS Vote: ‘Come On ... Get Real’

The senator complains after a clip is played of him demanding the Senate vote on Merrick Garland

July 8, 2018

NY Times Columnist: Justice Kennedy ‘Betrayed the Country’

Michelle Goldberg says Kennedy had an ‘obligation’ to stop Trump from ‘destroying this country’

July 3, 2018