Free Beacon Justin Price

Justin is an intern at the Washington Free Beacon.

Paul Ryan Proposes Major Reforms to Safety Net Programs

Reforms would give states more authority in assigning funds

July 24, 2014

Heritage Report Stresses Economic, Cultural Factors in Assessing America’s Well-Being

‘2014 Index of Culture and Opportunity’ to be first in an annual series of such reports

July 23, 2014

Bill de Blasio’s Potential Conflict of Interest

Nonprofit headed by former aides receives donation from teachers union as contract negotiations occur

July 17, 2014

NIH Studying Effectiveness of Sex Ed Lectures at Barbershops

$3.7 million spent on project designed to educate about HIV during haircuts

July 15, 2014
Dennis Heck

Dems Pushing for Ex-Im Bank Reauthorization

Conservatives have criticized bank as cronyism

July 1, 2014
Marco Rubio

Rubio Offers Reform for America

Highlights conservative vision to aid middle class

June 26, 2014

Cuba Crackdown

Human rights advocates see increased threats against press in Cuba

June 19, 2014
Demonstrators chant pro-al Qaeda-inspired Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant as they carry al Qaeda flags in front of the provincial government headquarters in Mosul

McCain Lacks Confidence in Obama’s Response to ISIL Crisis

Calls for president to act decisively as crisis escalates

June 19, 2014