Free Beacon Joe Schoffstall

Joe Schoffstall is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Previously, he spent three years with the Media Research Center and was most recently with the Capitol City Project. He can be reached at His Twitter handle is @JoeSchoffstall.

Soros Breaks Yearly Lobbying Record During First Three Quarters

Surpassed previous record of $16.2 million for the entirety of 2017

November 1, 2018
Tony Evers

Wis. Dem Gov Candidate Invested in Company Partly Responsible for Deepwater Explosion

Tony Evers invested in oil sector despite environmental platform

October 31, 2018

DNC Chair Used Private Jet of Donor Accused of Discriminating Against Latinos

Tom Perez flew with Albert Dwoskin, who is involved in court battle with undocumented immigrants

October 29, 2018

Dem Dark Money Floods States with Competitive Senate Races

Bill Nelson, Phil Bredesen, Kyrsten Sinema, and Tammy Baldwin have benefited from biggest dark money spender

October 26, 2018

Deleted Doc: Dem Candidate Katie Porter Backs Reparations, Far-Left Agenda

A questionnaire scrubbed from a progressive group's site shows Porter's support for radical legislation

October 25, 2018

Audio: Dem Candidate Scott Wallace Says Dogs Are Smarter Than Police Officers

Wallace has denied anti-law enforcement accusations in the past

October 24, 2018

GOP Women's Group Attacking Trump Funded Solely by Male Democratic Donor

Republican Women for Progress PAC active in New Jersey, Kentucky, and Michigan

October 19, 2018
Elizabeth Warren

Head of Data at Firm Paid by Warren: Insane to Think She's More Electable Than Sanders

Sanders has higher national favorability, performs better against Trump

October 18, 2018

Pelosi-Linked PAC Pushed $100K to Liberal Activist Effort Backed by Soros

'Win Justice' campaign is targeting infrequent voters for the midterms

October 17, 2018