Free Beacon Elizabeth Harrington

Elizabeth Harrington is a senior writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Elizabeth graduated from Temple University. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, she worked as a staff writer for Her email address is Her Twitter handle is @LizWFB.

Senior Commerce Official Let Family Members Download Porn on Gov’t Computers

‘Pornographic, sexually suggestive, and racially offensive materials’

September 2, 2015
school lunch cafeteria

Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move: ‘Americans Clearly Support’ Lunch Rules

‘American public has noticed and appreciated the healthier school meal standards’

August 31, 2015

Federal Employees Air Grievances on Forum Meant for Taxpayers

HUD workers ask for subsidized bikeshare, ban on ‘second hand e-cigarette smoke’

August 31, 2015

‘Diversity and Inclusion Specialist’ Job with Feds Pays $118K a Year

Energy Department gig result of Obama executive order

August 27, 2015

Michelle Obama's Lunch Rules Have Cost Cafeteria Worker Jobs

Survey of more than 1,000 school districts finds 80 percent faced financial difficulty

August 25, 2015

Feds Spend $278,442 to Study ‘Weight Stigma’

5 year NSF project will involve obese people texting researchers about their feelings

August 25, 2015

Government Employee Paid to Golf, Play Pool

Half of worker’s hours at the U.S. Patent Office were fraudulent

August 24, 2015