Free Beacon Collin Anderson

Collin Anderson is executive editor for the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from the University of Missouri, where he studied politics. He is originally from St. Louis and now lives in Arlington, VA. His email address is

Poll Shows Near-Unanimous Support for Anti-Crime Bills Spiked by Maryland Democrats

Republican governor Larry Hogan: 'We’re sitting here while Rome is burning'

February 25, 2020

Disgraced Multimillionaire Remains on Bloomberg Foundation Board Despite Harassment Claims

Working for Martin Sorrell 'like being in an abusive relationship'

February 21, 2020

Bloomberg Once Called Excessive Spending on Campaign Ads 'Obscene'

'There's a limited amount of ad time you can buy. It becomes dysfunctional; you annoy people with ads'

February 18, 2020

Complaint: Union-Backed Group Illegally Funding Arizona Dem Candidate

Restaurant Opportunities Center continued paying salary for progressive campaign employee

February 18, 2020

Warren Issues Broadside Against Mainstream Media as Campaign Falters

Massachusetts senator charges unequal treatment from mainstream media outlets

February 14, 2020

In Early States, Voters With Private Health Insurance Abandon Sanders

Primary results show Medicare for All could hurt Dems in suburbs, with professionals

February 14, 2020

MO Ethics Commission Exonerates Former Gov Eric Greitens

Ethics Commission 'found no evidence of any wrongdoing on the part of Eric Greitens'

February 13, 2020